My experience with Cypress (Part 1)Simple .env configuration file for better scalability.Feb 25, 2022Feb 25, 2022
Setup whole new project using a Single Command (Bin Scripts)So every time a new developer joins the team, you often get to hear, “Hey myan the project is not running. Did I miss something?”Jun 8, 2021Jun 8, 2021
Filters in Laravel with OOP PracticesBasically, to implement the resource filter API, we check the query parameters from the existing request and apply the corresponding query…Apr 26, 20211Apr 26, 20211
How to link Google Meet Link with Personal Reserved DomainOne of the cool things I tried and implemented was to link the Google Meet Link with my custom reserved domain name and made it look like…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Published inYoungInnovations' BlogYoungInnovations Weekly Blog #248 — YI Sessions, Tech Talks & Birthdays.“Nothing is given. Everything is earned.” — LeBron JamesJul 17, 2020Jul 17, 2020
The journey from Class to InterfaceWe have been constantly using Class from the beginning of our OOP journey. It is easy and convenient to create a class and then add up…May 29, 2020May 29, 2020
ssh configEverybody like an alias. It is convenient to replace long and complicated commands with a simple alias.Apr 16, 2020Apr 16, 2020
Vue Modal — a single wrapper to make it work efficientlyGenerally, we developer copy-paste the code of bootstrap for the modal.Feb 9, 2020Feb 9, 2020
Published inYoungInnovations' BlogBackend Knowledge Sharing #16(VueJS Dynamic Component)Sep 12, 2019Sep 12, 2019
Published inYoungInnovations' BlogBackend Knowledge Sharing #11Hidden features of Laravel Excel Package, Dynamic query filters using Criteria ClassAug 7, 2019Aug 7, 2019
Published inYoungInnovations' BlogBackend Knowledge Sharing #2Collaborating to Share knowledge about backend technologiesJun 5, 20194Jun 5, 20194
Published inYoungInnovations' BlogYoungInnovations Weekly #177– KSS on Flutter Animation, Birthday Celebration, 2nd Frontend Meetup…“Nothing is given. Everything is earned.”, — LeBron JamesFeb 22, 20191Feb 22, 20191